Hulu and PS3 Not Working Together Anymore
Sony PlayStation 3 owners used to have the ability to watch Hulu content through their video game consoles, due to Playstation adding flash browser capabilities. This is not the case anymore due to users are now reporting that they are getting errors when trying to access Hulu content. The error message is as followed: "Unfortunately, this video is not available on your platform. We apologize for any inconvenience."
The problem occurred hopefully due to the 2.80 firmware update -- if not, however, it's possible PS3 users are being intentionally blocked if Hulu no longer wants its content available through the PS3. In the June 26th PS3 system update, there doesn't appear to be any terms of service changes related to Hulu TOS update.Sony has apparently been silent about the entire issue, with no public statements made by the company. Hulu has not made any public statement either. So at this time we only have speculations of what might have happened.
In the meantime, their are a couple different ways to get around the issue of no Hulu. The first would be to add a media server that offers Hulu as a service. The one I currently just added was PlayOn . What is PlayOn you ask? PlayOn is software that you can purchase for $40 that allows you to watch movies in your Netflix Instant queue, Hulu videos, Youtube, some ESPN videos, CBS shows and newly added Amazon Video on Demand on your PS3. There are other video plugins that can be added as well.
Go here for more information and a 14 day free trial:
The second options is to trick Hulu. Some clever users have figured out how to workaround the issue. You're going to need a computer running Linux or Windows and some third-party software, however.
The hack involves using a proxy server to trick Hulu into thinking that your PS3 is a Windows machine running Firefox. You can find the instructions here, but honestly, it's probably not worth doing all of this for Hulu on your TV.
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