Have You Washed with Your Gadget Lately?

You love your phone, you don't want to be separated from your phone, trouble is you can't take your phone into the shower.
Now you can, one soap maker has taken their love affair with the new Palm Pre a little too far with the launch of a Bourbon and Coke scented soap in the shape of the new smartphone.What you see here is the first bar of soap modeled after the Palm Pre. The Palm Pre soap bar is about the same size and shape as the real-world Palm Pre.

What happens when you wear the soap down to the touchscreen is anyone’s guess.

The phone will weighs about 3 oz and rather randomly be scented with a Bourbon & Coke fragrance and made with Shea butter.

Luckily users can request the soap without fragrance.

But wait, if the Palm Pre isn't your gadget of choice, the seller is happy to make one that is, already stocking an iPhone, iPod, Blackberry and a range of Sony PlayStation gadgets too.

Price start from around $13 including worldwide shipping. If you want one, the Palm Pre Soap is available from Two Egg Plants shop over at Etsy.

2 Comments | Post A Comment

  1. Fantastic tips as usual and you were right-- I haven't seen a lot of these before anywhere else! Thanks so much!
