Well 2010 has been an exciting year but sadly a new one is about to begin. 2011 is going to be a great new year with great opportunities and challenges. On that note I wanted to inform the readers of Damion DJ & Producer blog that this year their will be a restructuring and rebranding of the blog. Over the past two years my blog has been slowing growing and with growth comes change. So with that being said over the next couple months this changes will happen and I couldn't be more excited about it. So to everyone have a happy and safe New Years and as always Thank You for all your support.
The end of the year is approaching and you know what that means right? A new Playlist for your listening ears. On Playlist-21 I tried to find some new bands to add up in the mix. So enjoy them.
If you want to check out any of the other Playlist then click on Archived Playlist in this post or on the right hand side of this blog.

Cover art by: Damion Schweizer
2. Marriage by Gold Panda
3. Kipling by Magenta Skycode
4. Swim Until You Can't See Land by Frightened Rabbit
5. Revolving Doors by Gorillaz
6. Age of Consent (New Order) by Geographer
7. Sideways Smile by Keepaway
8. Allison by The Burning Hotels
9. Pop Song by Baths
10. Drinking Diamonds by The Bear and The Sea
11. Boogie Nights by Abel
12. Breaking by Seeing Suge
13. Swallowed By The Night by Sun Airway
14. Neu Chicago by Clive Tanaka y su orquesta
If you want to check out any of the other Playlist then click on Archived Playlist in this post or on the right hand side of this blog.

Cover art by: Damion Schweizer
1. Indian Sun by Mean Lady2. Marriage by Gold Panda
3. Kipling by Magenta Skycode
4. Swim Until You Can't See Land by Frightened Rabbit
5. Revolving Doors by Gorillaz
6. Age of Consent (New Order) by Geographer
7. Sideways Smile by Keepaway
8. Allison by The Burning Hotels
9. Pop Song by Baths
10. Drinking Diamonds by The Bear and The Sea
11. Boogie Nights by Abel
12. Breaking by Seeing Suge
13. Swallowed By The Night by Sun Airway
14. Neu Chicago by Clive Tanaka y su orquesta
Playlist-21 Compiled by Damion

It's amazing what an iPad can really do if you know how to use it. I guess you can do anything. Take Damon Albarn for example he created a whole NEW 15 track Gorillaz's album with nothing more than an iPad and additional instruments. It was all recorded while the Gorilla's were on a 32 day North American Tour this year.
The album entitled The Fall is nothing less than talent. This album has nothing but great songs that bring different eclectic mixes of synths into great sounding tracks. This is not just a diary of the bands 32 day tour it's also a feat to show what can be accomplished in a short period of time. It's only 47 minutes long but I can guarantee that it will flow nicely on repeat. Oh! I forgot to mention the best part about this album. Damon Albarn has been generous enough to share the whole album over on their website for FREE. Head over to Gorillaz.com to check out the album, where it’s available to stream or can be downloaded for members of the fan club.
"The Fall" by Gorillaz Made By An iPad

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Luxury? Well the Vorstadt 14 in Switzerland and it's partnering network Rough Luxe describes luxury as a time for reflection, personal encounters with people, nature, architecture and environment as well as food and social and cultural experiences linked to geographic locations. It is also, the intellectual solicitation, listening to ones own feelings as well as comparing objects and time and thinking of their hierarchy.
That is what they are trying to accomplish with there 15th -century house in the town of Zug, Switzerland. Vorstadt 14 offers three luxury suites of totally different designs for travelers who are looking for there luxury. The two bottom floors are full-on minimalist, while the top floor is a private, under the eaves rustic meets Swiss modern apartment designed by Roger Stussi. (see below). These three suites are available for rent. Visit Vorstadt 14 to get more info and check out the other two suites.

via: Remodelista
Hotel Vorstadt 14 in Switzerland

This was an interesting project that I found on Behance this morning by Chris Berthe. The time it took to make these 3D letters using paper must have taken a while. Chris states that his project originally was created with a flat typeface in mind, paper & love is based on an octagonal grid and origami folds. The digital version represents this concept of origami by emphasizing transparency and by focusing on the shapes of the letter. The majority of the two-dimensional letters can be obtained by simply folding thin strips of paper and by following the octagonal grid. By taking what I had initially envisioned for the digital version, I created a new set of letters in 3D using paper, an x-acto knife and, of course, love (corny but true)!

Paper & Love Typeface

I don't own an iPhone 4 or an iPad but if I did I would definitely be getting one of these Pantone cases. Any designer would agree. Monaco-based Case Scenario has linked up with Pantone and as a result, you get nine colors for the iPhone 4, ranging from the deep Pantone Blue 7462 to the juicy Pantone Pink 226. For iPad, the Fall fashion colors are Pantone Black, Pantone Cool Grey, Pantone Blue 7462 and Pantone Red 711.

If your looking for more licensed tech ideas they also have the Pantone color Library App for the iPhone. There is also the myPANTONE X-Ref App which would be good for those that are looking for ways to convert screen RGB color formulations into paints for print and your home.
Now for the people that are like me and don't have an apple product then your still in lucky. Pantone offers other products that range from bikes, storage bins, kitchen containers, and of course those all time favorite coffee mugs.

If you end up getting a crappy gift from your aunt Sally this Christmas. Then take it back and get you one of these products. It's got to be better than that sad excuse for a polyester sweater with reindeer on it.

Pantone iPhone 4 & iPad Cases

I would be lying if I didn't say this home had a one hell of a beautiful view from so many different levels. It was designed by Longhi Architects in Punta Misterio, Peru. Longhi Architects made this home unique by building the home into the side of a cliff, and elements of the cliff infiltrate inside the home. If you want to see the construction process they have a couple pictures that show the building process of this home. There are so many elements of this home that are unique and eye catching. This home gives you a sense of peace not only in the design but also the view.

Lefevre Home: The Desert Meets the Ocean

This is a short film opener for the short film competition "kurzundschön" (Short & Nice). The competition is for young creatives for commercial spots, motion design, short films and mobile miniatures. This competition was designed to promote and advocate up-and-coming talent. The featured short film for the competition was made by feedmee. The creators of this short opener wanted to show the short and nice moment when felicity and serenity came together. This is a beautiful short film with the feeling of letting go of life and floating to peace.

Floating in air!
Client: WDR
Concept & Design: FEEDMEE Design
(Susanne Lüchtrath, Sabine Dully, Benjamin Zurek, Anton Riedel)
Production: FEEDMEE Design
Animation & Post: FEEDMEE Design
Cut: FEEDMEE Design
Camera: Timm Lange
Sound & Music: Loy production
Kurz und Schön opener (Short & Nice)

Throughout the year we slowly start collecting new music and by the end of the year we amass a large collection. Then as the last month of the year approaches we start to take a look back at the songs and albums that defined our year. We reminisce about the situations and the emotions that each song holds to us.
So in the spirit of that I decided to put together the Top Ten Albums of 2010 that have made my 2010. Each album in this list has made a moment in time for me in 2010. It was actually quite hard to put them in an order of 1 to 10 because in my mind they were all number 1's. So enjoy the little playlist I put together from each of these 10 artist.

The Radio Dept. - Clinging To A Scheme

Beach House - Teen Dreams

The Roots - How I Got Over

Geographer - Animal Shapes

Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History

Blackbird, Blackbird - Summer Heart

Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

Local Natives - Gorilla Manor

Freelance Whales - Weathervanes

Sun Airway - Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier
Top Ten Albums of 2010

Design concepts interest me. The thought process that goes behind a project is intriguing. So today we are going to look at the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse ($70). This is a minialistic ergonomically-sound pointing device. The flexible palm rest allows you to flatten the mouse to turn it off and make it more suitable for packing. The metallic middle strip lets you perform gestures to quickly and easily move around your documents. This mouse is packing a 2.4 GHz wireless USB Nano Transceiver that can connect wirelessly right out of the box with virtually no interference and has up to a 30-foot wireless range. Just in case you could see 30-foot away from your computer. Below is a video of Young Kim the Senior User Experience Designer talking about the design process of making this new Microsoft mouse.

Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse

This amazing Youtube video was made by Genrocks. It's this year's movies transformed into a seamlessly generated remix of 2010 movies. It has 270 of them into what you would call one giant ass video. This incredibly seamless, perfectly timed editing is mind blowing. All 270 film clips is listed here. You can find her on twitter too.
Filmography of 2010

Di Liu a 25 year old Chinese photographer, has been awarded the 2010 Lacoste Elysee prize. I can see why. He is known for his works which deals with conflicting relationships between nature and human society. So in his series he chose to depict different animals in different cities and the overwhelming part of their daily life in the city.
On a side note. What would you do if you saw an animal like this in your city. Leave a comment in the section below.

via: Designboom
Animal Regulation Series
TCL Collective Series 012
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December 2010
- Happy New Years from Damion DJ & Producer Blog
- Playlist-21 Compiled by Damion
- "The Fall" by Gorillaz Made By An iPad
- Hotel Vorstadt 14 in Switzerland
- Paper & Love Typeface
- Pantone iPhone 4 & iPad Cases
- Lefevre Home: The Desert Meets the Ocean
- Kurz und Schön opener (Short & Nice)
- Top Ten Albums of 2010
- Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse
- Filmography of 2010
- Animal Regulation Series
- The Comprehensive Mixtape Series
- Inspiration of Designspiration
- Crossover
- Ghostly International, 'We'll Never Stop Living Th...
- Osaka Network
- Google Nexus S
- Dorian Studio - Synthesis Poster Collection
- The Orient House
- TDK Boombox
- Logitech Revue with Google TV
- Typographic Note Cards
- ► November 2010 (22)
- ► October 2010 (21)
- ► September 2010 (21)
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