Otomata -A New Sound Sequencer

Otomata is a fun and new generative sequencer. It uses a cellular automaton type logic and was created by Batuhan Bozkurt. It's kinda like the Sound Matrix, although a little more complex. The cool thing about this one is the directional settings allows for some pretty complex interactions between notes. Each alive cell has 4 states: Up, right, down, left. When a cell hits a wall, a sound is triggered. The nine pitches along the walls are tuned using a hang drum's scale (D A Bb C D E F A C). You can also change the direction of the cell by clicking a note multiple times to set direction. So have fun and get lost in making some music.

If you make something you like, just press “Copy Piece Link” and save it somewhere, or better yet, share it!

Here is a video of it in action

Source: EarSlap

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