A Home Under the Trees
The home under the trees was a property where 90% was covered by Aukerlands native Pohutukawa trees. Herbst the architects behind this home in New Zeland had a challenge when it came to tackling the issue of the tree coverage. "In order for the home to exist it would require the destruction of a large number of mature trees. To do this we looked to the trees themselves to give us the cues that we needed" the two architects explained.
Herbst separated the house into private and public components. The private functions of the bedrooms and garage are housed in two towers which are construed as freshly sawn stumps of the trees that were removed. The use of black/brown stained rough sawn irregular battens on the exterior of the home make for an illusion with the interior to make it almost look carved out. This is a beautiful home where the interior and exterior colors work together to give the home a comfortable and contemporary feel to it. The Pohutukawa home is designed to be the perfect get away. A secluded home to give you a chance to reconnect with nature.

Source: Knstrct
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