The other day I was check out the ISO50 blog and saw that Ghostly was doing a giveaway and seeing how I'm a fan of that label I had to check it out. When I was checking out their store I came upon the Card Speaker($75). This speaker is no bigger than credit card and as thick as a blister pack of chewing gum, the Card Speaker puts most every mp3 accessory to shame with its good looks and crisp fidelity. It was designed by IDEA International with the concept of being a speaker that wasn't a pain to carry around and easily accessible. It comes in either black or silver, with a mirror-polished back, and includes a protective carrying case, a 3.5 mm connection plug, and a USB battery charge cable. The speaker has an operating time of approximately five hours on a two-hour charge.
In 2010 if your an indie band you might have difficulty becoming a known band due to the over saturation of the indie culture. Although, if you have that right sound that feeds the neon kids then by gosh your going to rise to the top. One band who is pushing to the for front is Tokyo Police Club with their new album "Champion". Now Tokyo Police Club is no new band. They have been slowing growing a fan base since back in 2006 when they played each year at numerous festivals and then in 2008 they released their first album"Elephant Shell".
In the new album you will get a sense that the lyrics of this album have matured and the stories have lyrically improved compared to the band’s earlier work. This album is full of catchy pop-hooked melodies to fill your indie ear drums. The first two songs on the album "Favourite Food" and "Favourite Colour" are a pair of tracks that tingle with the sweetness of summer memories. These two songs get you going and gets you ready for the other great tracks on this album. Tokyo Police Club keep their sound going with it's light and poppy with its gently swaying guitar and keys throughout this album. So have a listen to some of their tracks from their album. Also let me know if you think in a couple of songs if Dave Monks the lead singer sounds like They Might Be Giants a little.
So we all remember the days of the Polaroid camera right? Well if your still a fan of the Polaroid then I have a camera to suit your vintage needs. The Polaroid SX-70 OneStep Land Camera ($210). This camera was developed in collaboration with the Impossible project and has a very limited amount of camera's manufactured. From what I have been reading it looks like on 50 units were made. They were hand-refurbished Land Cams that feature a white and black body with a seventies-licious rainbow running from the lens to the output slot. The camera also comes with two boxes of B&W/Sepia PX 100 film to get your started on taking some vintage Polaroid pictures.
This vacation home or potential permanent home was designed by Cadaval & Sola-Morales. This MB home is located in a large field in Tepoztlan, a small town just outside Mexico City. From what I have been told by the designers is that Tepoztlan is know for its magical landscapes and it's a haven for artists and intellectuals seeking a more serene escape. The project explores a small housing dimensions, the relationships between architecture and landscape, between the user and the nature. The home is divided into two areas, one public and one private area. The two area are divided by a strip of tropical vegetation and enters the architectural objects that allow you to generate a cross ventilation system for the entire building. In the front of the house it has two large terraces which give it open space that serves as an extension of the living area.
I found Gabrielle Kai through Flickr this morning while rummaging around for photos or inspiration. Her real name is A. Jarrett and the reason she goes by Gabrielle Kai is because that is her daughters name. In honor of her daughter she dedicates her work to her. It's her source of inspiration and the spark of her creativity. Gabrielle seems to be a busy photography due to she has many sets on Flickr account and she runs her own site and blog in which she goes into the detail of her photography. She also has shops in which you can purchase some of her works. If you get some time I would check out some more of here works. You might just find something that inspires you.
Let me leave you with a quote that she had on her flickr account that I thought was awesome. "There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are." ~Ernst Haas
I have been contemplating getting a bike but the only problem I have with that is space. I don't want to keep it in my place because I don't want a bike taking up space. So I have been looking at different bikes lately that can be folded up. That way the space that it does take up is very little. On my search for various design I came across Dominic Hargreaves concept bike call the Contortionist. This bike can be completely folded into the space of the wheel's 26in circumference. The 24-year-old from London, said he wanted to create a decent folding bike after the one he was using collapsed. "I couldn't find a folding bicycle I liked," he added. "I wanted something that could take a bit of punishment and that you could have fun with. "So I made one myself." Now Hargreaves is in contact with various manufacturers and hopes to get this bike into production soon.
What caught my attention of the ad below was the photography that was done by Zona-13. The style in which was used keeps my eyes focused on the concept while still giving the ad a more culture pull. It's meaning of environmental concepts and its idea of making the world a greener place is also another thing that pulls me into this ad.
This advertising campaign was designed by Legambiente PIM for the protection of the environment, entitled "under the carpet". It's an environmental ad which is trying to convey that we should stop hiding problems of waste and find ways to solve them. Although with the little information I found about this ad it could mean something totally different. What do you think this ad represents?
The advertising of Legambiente PIM: under the carpet. Advertising Agency: Forchets, Milan, Italy Executive Creative Director: NiccolBrioschi Creative Director Copy: Francesco Montella Art Director: Livio Grossi Copywriter: Hilija Russo Photographer: Zona 13
The other day I mentioned to check out Two Door Cinema Club but realized that in Playlist-15 it only has two remixes by the band and not the originals. So I decided to do a piece on them so you can check them out and find out what their about. So let's get started.
Two Door Cinema Club is three Irish lads from Bangor, Ireland who have been growing its fan base fast since March when then album "Tourist History" was release by Kitsune in the UK. The bands album is full of dance floor melodic electro pop which sucks you in with it's hooked inspired tracks. The bands states that in the end its going to be a fast paced, electro pop album. That’s their aim their going for. Every song on the album from start to finish is loaded with tremendous amount of hooks that will leave you addicted all day. Alex Trimble’s warm vocals direct the band to pop perfection. The guitars in this album have the angular fury of Tokyo Police Club. The Bass standouts in each track which will have you shaking around like crazy on the dance floor. This album is ranked up high in my top albums of the year and has been playing nonstop all this week. Like I said it becomes addicting with all these catchy songs.
Soon enough the Olympics will be back in 2016 and so Swiss architecture firm RAFAA designed a concept solar power waterfall. It has been named the Solar City Tower, the building is equipped with solar panels, the solar energy to pump seawater to its top, and resulting falling water spins turbines that produce energy during the night. For special occasions, this tower can be transformed into an urban waterfall the designer calls "a symbol for the forces for nature." The firm RAFAA is looking to fill the building with an amphitheater, auditorium, cafeteria and shops. This solar city tower will even include a bungee jumping and a "glass sky walk" on the top of the tower.
RAFAA concept aims to ask how the classic concept of a landmark can be reconsidered. It is less about an expressive, iconic architectural form; rather, it is a return to content and actual, real challenges for the imminent post-oil-era. This project represents a message of a society facing the future; thus, it is the representation of an inner attitude. Our project, standing in the tradition of "a building/city as a machine", shall provide energy both to the city of Rio de Janeiro and its citizens while using natural resources."