Now these are some interesting bikes. They are like an SUV versions of a bike with their super cargo like fronts. These babies can have your bike ready to haul some serious stuff. I found these bikes on Rolling Orange's website, they are a bicycle shop located in Brooklyn, New York. These large bikes as awesome as they are come with a heavy prices, however, they are sure to be the talk of the town and quite useful. To see more designs check out there site.
This is the kind of news that I like to hear. Google has just released their new music cloud beta. Google Music Beta is a free cloud-based music service that allows you to upload music to your own personalized online storage locker. They give you enough space to upload about 20,000 songs. Currently it is only available to US residents but I'm sure once it is out of beta it will be available to all. It currently is only in invite only status. So you have to go to Google and request an invite. It's kinda of how g-mail was when it first came out, which seems so long ago. This new service will also give you access to your music on any device like your computers, smart phones and tablets.
I personally have already requested to get this service. So I'm just waiting to hear back. I'm a big music fan so it would be nice to access my music at all times. Although, I hope they give the option to add more space because I'm for sure going to need it. I guess time will tell if this Google Music Cloud becomes a hit. What do you think? Do you think this is something that you would utilize.
This is a unique and very angular home, which was created for a family of four who were looking for a modern styled home. I think they were able to accomplish their goals on having a modern and yet unique structure home. The homes exterior and interior are designed with good style. The kitchen and the bathroom setup alone would make me want to get this house. I think a kitchen can make or break a home. That's just my opinion. What do you think can make or break a house?
The DJM-2000 ($2999) is a pretty expensive mixer but it sits at the top of Pioneer's DJ line. This mixer which weighs about 20lbs is a heavy duty mixing machine. The mixer as you can see has a sizable multi-touch, multi-fucntion screen sitting just above the crossfader. It also houses everything famous from DJM 800 and E-effect 500 & 1000 and some of the SVM1000. So anyone that has used a Pioneer DJM prior should be able to walk up and use this bad boy. I could just keep telling you more about it but why not just watch these videos below instead.
Beth Hoeckel an artist from Baltimore has pieced together a nice collection of collage's called "Point of View". Each of her collages shown are made with found paper and archival paste. So there is no digital manipulation going on here. The style and the feel of these collages remind me of some 70's art but I'm liking it. You can check more on her website or you can check out her Flickr account and see some of her photography works as well.
Ryan Kothe explores the rapid decay of everyday objects in his short stop motion animation video. It's quite an interesting concept to think about. Who really thinks about the how something decays. It's a long process but when shown in this video it is quite amazing and mesmerizing. If you want to check out more of Ryan's work. You can find it on Vimeo.
I'm sure this happens to all of us where we just have some unruly cords on our desk that have a mind of their own. Instead of staying put when you unplug your devices. They decide to book it for behind the desk and then on to the floor, leaving you on your hands and knees looking for the cord. Well the Pinza ($18-$26) helps put these cords in check, plus it has a very stylish look. They are incredibly easy to use. So if you have some chords that need a smack down then this is for you.
This house which was designed by Morris Partnership Architecture is located in a rural area of Australia. I have never been to Australia but if I was to visit I would definitely check out this house if I had time. This home is one of those house that just pops and sticks right out due to the style and shape of the home.
On July 24th 2010, thousands of people around the world uploaded videos of their lives to YouTube to take part in Life in a Day. It's a historic cinematic experiment to create a documentary film about a single day on earth. It's also like a documentary that serves as a time capsule to show the future generations what it was like to be alive on July 24, 2010.
The film was directed by Oscar winner Kevin Macdonald who wowed audiences at the Sundance, Berlin and SXSW film festivals and during its YouTube world premiere in January. This summer this film will be coming to a movie theater near you. I'm personally interested in seeing this film to see what 80,000 clips and more than 4500 hours of footage compressed into 90 minutes is like for one single day on earth in 2010.